Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The unrecoverable Bok's House 永远消失的蔡正木豪居

The Bok House was an old mansion on Jalan Ampang in Kuala Lumpur, owned by a private trustee managed by the Bok family. The mansion was designed by Swan and Maclaren in 1926 and it was completed in 1929 for a local millionaire, Chua Cheng Bok. In the 1960s and up until its closure in 2001, the mansion housed an upscale restaurant called the Le Coq d'Or. On December 15 2006, the mansion was demolished, resulting in public outcry. Above is a postcard featuring the Bok's house before its demolition. A photo exhibition is currently held @ Central Market , Kuala Lumpur from 26.1.2007 - 11.2.2007 on the historical unrecoverable.
蔡正木豪居位于吉隆坡安邦路,曾经是蔡氏家族的私人产业。由Swan & Maclaren绘测师于1926年所设计的蔡氏故居,从1960-2001由一家餐厅 Le Coq d'or 在该居经营。市议会一通纸令之下,蔡氏故居在 2006年12月15日,被拆除了。在保护古迹的有识人士一致抗议之下,市议会一意孤行 。。。。 拆除了。
为了回顾与纪念,吉隆坡中央市场由26.1.2007-11.2.2007 举办一个摄影展,展出多副有关老建筑物的珍贵照片。

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