Saturday, August 1, 2009

Many versions of the postcard on Kuala Kangsar Ubudiah Mosque 乌布代清真寺明信片版本何其多。

Ubudiah Mosque is a favourite subject on postcards, constructed in the 30s, spanning through these periods, many versions of the postcards in black and white as well as color prints have been found. The abundance of the postcards fascilitates the realisation of Maximum Cards.

Realising MC at Kuala Kangsar Post office 瓜拉江沙邮局制作极限记

为了制作极限片特地驱车250公里到霹雳州皇城瓜拉江沙邮局求个原地纪念戳. 邮局就在街头的一角, 小小的一个邮政局, 人潮很多, 但制作极限片的却不见有其他的人. 乌布代 (Ubudiah) 清真寺, 久闻其名, 还不曾到访过, 乘制作极限片之便, 顺道走访了这名胜. 不虚此行.
In order to realise a maximum card of the Ubudiah Mosque at Kuala Kangsar, I had to travel 250KM from Seremban to the town to have the commemorative postmarks done on the MCs. The Kuala Kangsar postoffice is situated at one corner of the town, a rather small post office but crowded with customers, however, there were none realising MCs on the spot. I have heard of the Ubudiah Mosque many a times, however, I have NOT have the chance to make a visit to the place. I have made the visit a last along with this trip of realisation of MC at Kuala Kangsar. A memorable trip to remember.