Saturday, August 1, 2009

Realising MC at Kuala Kangsar Post office 瓜拉江沙邮局制作极限记

为了制作极限片特地驱车250公里到霹雳州皇城瓜拉江沙邮局求个原地纪念戳. 邮局就在街头的一角, 小小的一个邮政局, 人潮很多, 但制作极限片的却不见有其他的人. 乌布代 (Ubudiah) 清真寺, 久闻其名, 还不曾到访过, 乘制作极限片之便, 顺道走访了这名胜. 不虚此行.
In order to realise a maximum card of the Ubudiah Mosque at Kuala Kangsar, I had to travel 250KM from Seremban to the town to have the commemorative postmarks done on the MCs. The Kuala Kangsar postoffice is situated at one corner of the town, a rather small post office but crowded with customers, however, there were none realising MCs on the spot. I have heard of the Ubudiah Mosque many a times, however, I have NOT have the chance to make a visit to the place. I have made the visit a last along with this trip of realisation of MC at Kuala Kangsar. A memorable trip to remember.

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